I have aligned the trace and candlestick success coefficients to mean the same - tweedle dee is expected percentage rise and tweedle dum is the percentage time this has occurred.
As an example below is the tweet from today for a company named CAF:
#LON:#CAF:13-FEB-13:#LSE_trace::23.9:100:16: 4.13 http://t.co/MPZaFd4x
This reads as:
On the London stock exchange, for the company CAF, on 13th Feb 2013, the trace was triggered with a prior 100% success rate of obtaining 11.5% increase within the following 5 days, on the 16 occurrences this trigger happened previously, with previously the price rise averaged 23.9%, and had today a volume 4.13 times the average 3 monthly volume. The final piece is the link to the LSE website for this company.
So dee is 23.9, and dum is 100, along with the count (16) and the volume analysis (4.13) gives the map for this company.
Just to confirm - CAF opened on the 25th Feb at 28 (the day after this was triggered) and currently has reached a high of 36.5 on the 6th Mar - which is a 30.4% increase in 7 days