Friday, 31 August 2012

even more trace analysis

Well this is interesting. All of the reports below (apart from HCM, this is included as a demo) are current live indicators for today - 31st-Aug-2012.
The columns in order left to right are:
company, date tweeted, opening price for the next day, 5, 10 and 15 day percentage increases, tweedledee, tweedledum (two success coefficients)
(empty columns denote that we do not yet know the opening price because today's data has not been analysed - it not being the end of day today yet)

I have noticed that any tweedledee below 200, with a low tweedledum (less than about 100) more often than not indicates a mediocre performance in our given time frame:

FTF 30-AUG-12

189 0
FTF 29-AUG-12 86.25 0 0 0 189 0
FTF 28-AUG-12 85 1.47 1.47 1.47 189 0
FTF 24-AUG-12 87 0 0 0 153 0
FTO 30-AUG-12

27 1000
FTO 29-AUG-12 9.4 1.65 1.65 1.65 27 1000
FTO 28-AUG-12 9.5 0.58 0.58 0.58 27 1000
FTO 24-AUG-12 9.3 3.23 3.23 3.23 27 1000
FTO 23-AUG-12 9.5 1.05 1.05 1.05 27 1000

On the other hand a large tweedledee denotes a good performance indicator within our time frame:

HCM 03-AUG-12 410 6.1 6.1 6.1 2481 705
HCM 02-AUG-12 400 8.75 8.75 8.75 2481 705
HCM 01-AUG-12 405 7.41 7.41 7.41 2480 704
HCM 31-JUL-12 390 11.54 11.54 11.54 2480 704
HCM 30-JUL-12 366 18.85 18.85 18.85 2377 692
HCM 27-JUL-12 345 23.19 26.09 26.09 2377 692
HCM 26-JUL-12 346 21.39 25.72 25.72 2377 692
HCM 25-JUL-12 350 17.14 24.29 24.29 2377 692
HCM 24-JUL-12 355 14.08 22.54 22.54 2377 692
HCM 23-JUL-12 366 10.66 18.85 18.85 2377 692

But as you can see it is also dependent on time - the success coefficients move in a wave like form, and there is an optimal time when we should trade.

(Also tweedledee has to be taken with tweedledum)

The two above statements together make for an interesting concept - as demonstrated below:



What we see here is that SIE has been trundling away not doing anything in particular but all of a sudden the success coefficients have increased. I am guessing that SIE should have been bought on the opening of the 29th Aug 2012.

As a bonus for today AHT has just triggered today with a tweedledee of 1865 and a tweedledum of 208.

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