the first 2 input fields are the name and reporting start date
the next section is the sql statement to be run against the database and is sectioned into separate lines for ease of reading and use - the where clause is the one that takes the most development.
it is the where clause that governs the companies that are returned.
this whole statement is linked to the field marked sql: just below the word success, this field would contain the whole statement run against the database as the database would see it, this aids debug - the success word is there to indicate that the report completed successfully
the reset function resets all the fields to default values
and then we get to the output data
the first column is the company with a link to the LSE page for that company (London South East)
the second column is the date of the buy signal with a direct link to the charts for the company on the LSE site
the third column is the date reference
the forth column (A) links directly to the underlying data in the system for the company
the fifth column (G) is the system graphs, examples posted later
the sixth column is the close price for the particular day
the colons are place holders for other information that can be added if needed
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